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501(c)3 nonprofit grass roots organization
Welcome to All! Dhamaantiinba so Dhowaada! Karibuni Vote! Chāo mūng!
Willkommen! Bienvenidos Todos! Benvenuti!
Bienvenue à tout le monde!

See you soon on September 15th, 2023. Do you want to participate? Contact us: info@handsacrosstheworldmn.org

Hands Across the World (HAW) is a 5O1(c)3 non-profit learning community education program serving new members, so they can thrive in our One World.
Very often, the Hands Across The World classroom is the first formal learning environment that students have attended.
Adults learn four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These skills better equip them to communicate with others, continue their education and secure employment or start their own businesses.
Students can work on their GED or diploma toward a college or technical education.
We provide interested students with business administration or business management education through the SCSU Small Business Center. We want new entrepreneurs to have successful, sustainable businesses that grow and add to our community.
Students are welcome to bring their children to the after-school program, where they can interact with other kids, learn and enjoy a healthy snack.
Our Mission
To provide a first learning experience to newly arrived immigrants and refugees who do not have the language or living skills to thrive in our community. We help both children and parents acquire the tools needed to become integrated citizens of Central Minnesota.